I thought that link on baby name consultants would send me to The Onion. I was wrong.

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Finally! I’ve been waiting for someone to mention this baby name business. So far people just want to talk shit on the guy who jumped from space, but what about TANK? And ORCA?! Why the need to try so painfully hard to make your baby the most special baby in the room?

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Hate to say it but if the parents are too lazy to name their own kid or have so much disposable income to spend money on THAT, then they shouldn’t be having kids 😂 I laughed so hard then was bummed out when I realized I was reading The NY Times.

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I think you've helped me figure out why that article bothered me so much. It's not that I don't like unique names. All of my siblings have very unique names. But, our parents decided on those names for a reason. Whether it be that the name is from a character in their favorite movie or an area in New Orleans (ah hem, my name). However, paying someone stupid money to come up with the most unique name for your baby just so your baby can stand out in their pre-school class? Gross. Also, what do they say when someone asks, "Wow, Orca is such a unique name. Where does it come from?" You know they aren't going to say "a baby name consultant I hired off of Tiktok." I guess they'll have to make up a story about how their kid was conceived while watching Free Willy.

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Yes!!!!! You hit the nail on the head! Re: “I guess they’ll have to make up a story about how their kid was conceived while watching Free Willy.” 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Jun 25Liked by CARRÉ

Thanks as always Carre for more insights! Looking forward to the SP story - growing up I admired BC as he always had strong female band members - D’Arcy and Melissa so I assumed he was an ok guy and an ally for women in music but it seems though that later stories emerged that show him in a different light ….. be good to hear your take on the whole thing. (I know a certain Ms Love / Cobain has also shared her feelings on him! 🤣)

I’m not really fussed about the Felix Baumgartner jump TBH, interesting but it made me reflect more about adrenaline junkies and corporate sponsorship than ponder my place in the universe 😂 for that, I regularly turn to prof. Brian Cox (ex D-Ream) and his lectures. I’ve seen him on stage a few times and he talks about black holes, space, time, quantum physics, heat death of the universe etc and I find that makes me feel very small and insignificant (The infinite monkey cage podcast is also very good and adds a humorous side to stop you from feeling too depressed!)

Thanks for the recommendations on reading - I don’t know that book so will track it down!

Hope all is well - sorry to hear things have been a bit heavy recently. I hope that things get to a better place for you and thank you again for baring your soul.

Take care


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I cannot with black holes. They keep me up at night. I used to listen to podcasts about space, quantum physics, analyses of Stephen Hawking's theories, et al. I had to stop because it was causing me so much anxiety. Now, I only listen to true crime podcasts while going to sleep.

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Oh no! You don’t need that anxiety whilst trying to get to sleep!! I might try falling asleep to counting ridiculously named baby sheep 🐑 - “come here Tank, come here Orca….” 🤣🤣

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Jun 25Liked by CARRÉ

Oh wow. Smashing Pumpkins! I always adored their music. I have opinions on Mr Corgan in recent years but I will keep those to myself… glad you are pursuing your own goals in any case!

Felix - watched that live too. I wrote a poem about how it made me feel after, as it was such a powerful moment. It was around the same time that we decommissioned the final shuttle and they paraded its aged body around the country. It was strange to see us gather to witness a man hurling himself towards the earth, instead of up into the heavens. It felt like a symbol of how things had changed. Like naive dreams were dying and we were left with this creepy, nihilistic replacement.

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"It was strange to see us gather to witness a man hurling himself towards the earth, instead of up into the heavens." Well put and totally spot on. But, billionaires are on their way to hurling themselves to space now, so at least their dreams are alive and well. I think we just need to reframe our perspectives and hope that they take the Harvey Weinsteins and crappy celebrities up with them and stay there for good. At the rate this planet is going, I'd love to see more money being spent on what's going on here on Earth, tbh.

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So true! Those dude bros and their penis rockets. Sigh. Yes, good point about spending on earth! Like, “we couldn’t keep our room clean mom, so let’s just move and start over and I promise to keep it clean this time”.

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Jun 25Liked by CARRÉ

Definitely looking forward to reading the Smashing Pumpkins story!

I also watched the Felix Baumgartner jump live and still remember the feelings that I had while watching the event. I admired his courage, preparation, and the training that must have been involved, but I couldn't help but keep thinking that I was watching a very long and expensive Red Bull commercial. I read that Red Bull spent over $30 million to pull it off and I guess it was worth it for them, since so many watched and it made numerous worldwide news cycles. Capitalism at its finest , you got to spend money to make money, or so they say.

Looking forward to more posts, I am addicted! Hope you have a great week.


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Yeah the Red Bull sponsorship was cringe. Nothing like using space for product placement. It was a very expensive stunt and if it would’ve went wrong, it would’ve been like a scene in Idiocracy. But imagining the jump and what he was feeling in the moment…Ugh. I’m getting woozy just thinking about it. As for capitalism and the criminally ridiculous amount of money that’s spent on absolute BS, the examples are never ending. But that’s the world we live in and thus, the world we need to survive in. If Coca Cola wanted to sponsor my life or pay for me to finish my record in exchange for slapping their branding across my face, I dont know if I’d say no at this point in my life. But only because I’m coming from a place of having no money. That’s the catch, I suppose, the financially desperate literally can’t afford to act with integrity all of the time. We all gotta survive. I’m totally going on a tangent here. What was my point? My adhd is bad in the morning.

Thanks for reading and commenting! XX

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The details are a bit fuzzy, but I remember when REM was offered ridiculous sums of money to use “…End of the World…” in the first Microsoft Windows ad and refused. At the last minute they reworked the whole campaign to use The Stones, “Start Me Up”. Years later, I remember an interview with Michael Stipe saying that he now believed that musicians should take the money if given the chance since the industry has changed so much and it is nearly impossible to be fairly compensated with everything streaming. I admire your hesitation, but I would say seriously consider it, if ever offered.

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